
Jumat, 11 Agustus 2006

Sweet Nintendo Monopoly

Sweet nintendo monopoly just came out, some of the playing pieces feature marios hat, links boot and shield, Dk's barrel, and my personal favorite old nintendo controller. The game features characters as the streets. Mario obviously being broadway. Railroads featured as nintendo modes of travel such as a warp pipe , and a warp star. Im definentely getting this!

Rabu, 02 Agustus 2006

PS3 Interface

Wow, this is the new ps3 interface, but its just like the psp interface, suprising? Not really. this still hasent convinced me to spend 600 big ones though

Selasa, 01 Agustus 2006

New Mortal Kombat Armageddon Character Selection Screen Shot

Wooo! The Mortal Kombat character selection screens are out! This looks promising with 62 character slots with two create-a-character slots. While the characters Blaze, Daegon, Meat, and taven are locked lots of the old favorites return. Plus a sneaky chameleon in the picture somewhere. This pic has definentely gotten all the fanboys geeking out

Digital Battles Top 10 Most Anticipated Pc Games.

Digi Battle announced their top 1o most, I can guarantee you there will be forum trollers will be rampaging about this, with half life episode 2 at the 10 spot and spore not in first place there has to be something wrong with these guys. I will be complaining all day because Team Fortress 2 is not on the list.

for the full article click here.

The Big Microsoft Has a Few Tricks Up Its Sleeve For The New Console Season

Microsoft is not in fear of any competetors for the next gaming season. They have spurred rumor filled blogs about what these tricks are.

“I don’t want to reveal any plans at the moment because we want to keep a number of surprises up our sleeve. We will ensure we are good value and we’ll do that through having a variety of pricing on games, a variety of pricing on console offers,” said Richard Teversham, A managing exec for xbox down in europe. They seem very poised and confident in what theyre saying. This may hint at a price drop. Keep your fingers crossed.

Rabu, 19 Juli 2006

Blue Dragon: Xbox 360's Next Final Fantasy

Blue Dragon is out to reach to japan's Gaming market and its the last final stride for the xbox 360 to succeed in japan. The creator of the everlasting final fantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi has taken the lead on this one, this RPG is funfilled with colors and artwork from Dragon Ball Z's Akira Toriyama. Good thing because Last time he took over he gave us the great
Dragon Quest VIII. One of the Shining Points of the game is that when the character ranks up enough SP or whatever that stuff is their shadows will be able to transform into a creature depicting the personality of the character, for instance the main character will be turning into a valiant blue dragon.

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Senin, 17 Juli 2006

Super Mario Online Multiplayer Game

The Goal of this game is to stomp on everyone before they get you, but its hard to win considering theres 6 characters on screen at a time

download it here

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Sabtu, 15 Juli 2006

New Wii Controller Details!

Nintendo being the nice guys they are has given some new details on their revolutionary controller. Details like how the controller is powered via two AA batteries. How long the battery lasts (30 hours in pointer mode and 60 hours in accelleration commercial. Another spicy detail is its 6kb "non-volitile memory"?! whatever that is most experts are guessing it will hold the player settings, such as look inversion, sensitivity etc. The wii flap unveiled a button called synchro. This is the button players use to assign the controller 1 and controller 2 to the game. Also Nintendo has given some lip on their all new sensor bar, this is a double whammy! The first whammy shows where the controller is aiming by lighting up the players current position of the wii sensor, the other whammy is the battery life, four LED's will light when the battery life is full to 75%, three when 75-50%, two when 50-25%, one when 25 and lower.

Continue reading here

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custom PSP Firmware Confirmed

Woo!, a user named Dark_Alex has confirmed that he is released a custom firmware for your psp. The article talks on how to install it, along with its new features.

* A recovery mode that helps you downgrade to the firmware 1.0, using your usb cable.

*A application that helps you boot up programs like Dev Hook.

*The ability to remove the SCE Logo at the startup of the psp. Very convinient.

*The ability to hide corrupt Icons? I dont know what that means so dont email me.

For the official article click here

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Kamis, 13 Juli 2006

Sweet zelda concept art!

This post is pretty self explanatory, nintendo being the nice people they are decided to give the public some concept art. This one here is some flaming moster thingy sticking its tung out. Not to bad, lets hope this one made the final cut.

For the rest of the pictures click here

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Xbox Live Gives a way Parties-In-A-Box!

In celebration for the all new Xbox Live wednsdays microsoft has decided to give away some free pizza and 1000 points. All they ask is that you take pictures of the party and show it to them, good deal. Woo, lets get this party started!

For official notice click here

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Xbox Live Hits 60% of Gamer Market!

The population of Xbox live users has BOOMED since the launch of the 360. With a quick number crunch 60% of all owned 360's are on Xbox Live. A HUGE improvement on the original 10% on the original xbox. Why you ask, two reasons. Xbox live market place, and Xbox arcade. With 30 million Market place downloads Demos and gamer pictures the future only looks better. On the Arcade side of things wich 65% of xbox live customers are using. They have handled 5 million downloads thanks to games like Geometry wars and my favorite UNO. The Arcade is looking better then ever with street fighter 2 announced in the category. Well the future looks bright for Xbox live, lets hope they can keep ramping up the oblivion add ons and xbox live demos.

Click here for the full article

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Rabu, 12 Juli 2006

First Wii Add in Print!

This is the first Wii add Ever! Published in a German Gaming magazing called Aktuell. This is definantely one of the first or the first wii add ever! Its a pretty sweet add now. It shows how on schedule Nintendo is. Early systems being made. Sweet Games. WHAT NOW SONY. WHERES YOUR ADD BIATCH.

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Selasa, 11 Juli 2006

Sweet New Atari 2600 Game

Forget about the wii! The 2600 is where its at. Game developers A-VCS-tec have created their latest single player game suprisingly named A-VCS-tec. The game has you playing as an egyptian running for the pyramids, but be careful because spear throwers will be throwing..... Spears to stop your journey. Once you reach the pyramid you must climb the ladders, but its not that easy. Evil Priests will throw boulders at you to stop you from reaching your goal.Well you will be awarded with a nice endscene once your done. For more details and a link to a video click here

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Not Just Any Wednsday: Its Xbox Live Wednsday's!

Microsoft has confirmed Xbox Live wednsdays! A weekly launch day of Xbox Live arcade games. Sorta like how wednsdays is DvDuesdays. Anyways the program will start July 12th launching frogger, galaga, cloning clyde, pacman, and hopefully a live version of street fighter two.


Hitman Bloodmoney Review

I rented this game from Gamefly a little hesitant of the gameplay, I havent played a hitman game before but I figured I would might as well try it.
The game starts you off on a tutorial disquised as a mission. The tutorial works rather well by giving you a step by step guide on what you need to do, and you will soon be fiber wiring people and disposing of the bodies. After that you will be dropped into your first mission, and into the actuall gameplay.
Your HUB screen before the mission begins acts as a briefing, while letting you upgrade your weapons and analyze the mission. Soon you start the mission. First off you feel like you are just dropped into a map and you sort of have to find out what to do. Theres no guide to help you, but using the map a lot helps, even though its confusing as hell. You must decide what to do soon because everyone around you starts to move in a chain reaction. Buying intel is basically of just a timeline of events that are a piece of this chain. After you have the intel you can predict what is going to happen, and soon you will get a disquise, kill your first target. Follow the other target into the bathroom and choke him. But your plan will never go this smoothly at first, the game requires a lot of trial in error. Witch makes it frustrating, but when a perfect plan falls together you really feel a sense of accomplishment.
Each mission is different and requires different planning, this is one of the games strongpoints, even though the open ended gameplay is frustrating you can find multiple ways to play one mission making the replay value high. After you play a mission perfectly you feel like the game has awarded you for your planning.
Now Before I score this I must Say this game is an aquired taste, I am one of the few people who like it. Ive met lots of people who hate it, and a few who love it. The game takes lots of planning and lots of patience witch most people dont have

Now After Saying That...........................7.5/10


Senin, 10 Juli 2006

Confirmed (possibly): A Free Game With the Wii

Woo hoo! Toys R Us leaked the news that a free game will come with the wii. Everyone thinks its gonna be wii Sports though. Witch makes perfect sense because it was really just a tech demo

for the full article click here

Xboy: The New Xbox Handheld

Brian Dudley from the seattle times has leaked some information (witch is hopefully correct) That microsoft plans releasing theyre own portable handheld. Xboy, will work along with Xgirl, Xuncle, and a couple other members of the family. The new Xboy will compete with apples ipod directly, attacking it from multiple fronts. If you know what the hell that means please comment on it.
Anyway, It supposedly will play media, software media, and its own online media service (itunes). well, just cross your fingers and hope for the christmas release date.

For the full article at joystiq.com click here

and joystiqs concept Xboy picture in the slide.


sweet interactive graffiti.

its like when youre in the bathroom and people etch ass and vulgar remarks on the stall. Except now you can see it Live!

New Multi-player Asteroids Game Hits The World Wide Web!

Woo! this awesome new multiplayer asteroids game player is as fun as the original ( when its not in the Server full page)

Minggu, 09 Juli 2006

New Super Smash Bros Brawl News

A Nintendo employee took the liberty to translate the Super Smash Bros Brawl homepage into english, thanks to this awesome guy we now have the newest news like....

1. They are currently working on a ds version of the game

2. That not all characters from Super smash bros melee will join the fight in this game

For the full article click here

My Favorite New Gamecube Game, SUPER PAPER MARIO

The new super paper mario game is AWESOME. With the game cube drawing its last breath its definentely going out with a bang. This Adventure takes place in TWO dimensions. Mario will be slipping between 2D and 3D being an integral part of the gameplay. The best part is that gamers can play as bowser and peach.

pics in the slide show.

A Whole Slew Of Nintendo Rumors

Go Nintendo has a whole MASSIVE list of some fresh off the pot wii rumors.

A big one on the list is Resident evil. Apparently capcoms really comitted to making this RE for the wii. They're using the same engine as RE4, but really revamping the graphics for some (hopefully) beutiful gameplay.

Another big name on the list is Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the rumors confirm that sonic WILL be in the game, and he will have exclusive functions with items to become supersonic, and a chaos emerald will fit in there as well.

Now for what you have all been waiting for. Zelda Twilight princess, the game will feature a whole bunch of sidequests and this time around Tingle will be along for the ride. Now developers have several different endings on their hands and theyre making a choice soon. On a more sad note the developers are gonna have to work their hardest if we want this as a launch title. Everyone cross your fingers.

For the rest of the rumors just go here

Sweet new dead rising screens!

As we all know I am ecstatic for the upcoming game "dead Rising". I woke up to troll the g4techtv forums and I saw a thread with new Dead Rising screenshots. I took a quick look and I was like whoa. I saw the main character riding on a bike, sweet! I scrolled down and I saw a dude pissing! LOL ! anyway,

here are the pics

Sabtu, 08 Juli 2006

The Fallen Five (Five great game companies that fell

From Atari to Sierra, these are the companies that made great games, but for some reason didnt make it. The only thing dissapointing about this article is that it doesent have psychonauts in it.

" This article is a tribute to five fallen icons of the videogame industry – developers and publishers who made their mark, changed the world, then vanished into history. Sometimes they went with a bang; sometimes a whimper. All, however, leave a hole that will never entirely be filled. The industry would be very different, were they all with us today."

Quote frome Next Generation.com

article here

1 Million wii units to be ready by august!

sounds like nintendo's well prepared for the long one

" Pixart Imaging (PXI), an affiliate of United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) and the remote sensor chipset supplier for the Wii, was cited by the Commercial Times as saying that its shipments may reach a million units in August"

wuote from the digitimes

WTF!? Farcry on wii?

A rumor floating around the blogosphere is saying that farcry will be coming on the wii. Honestly though it sounds like an ok idea.

Confirmation here

Funny Real time Ghouls n' Ghosts add

In japan people like to act out everything instead of using computers. Witch is why theyre economy is so better than ours

Funny Ghouls and ghosts add

Sony says apple logo is a mistake

Really they said it was an external mistake, my guess is theyll do anything for attention at this point. Theyre riding everything on the ps3 and need as much publicity as they can get.

More here

Gears of War will use voice commands

This game just gets sweeter and sweeter. Apparantely u will be able to see your characters lips move while u scream at your teammates!
More Here

Kamis, 06 Juli 2006

DS esque flash game

I was trollin' around the web for some flash games and i saw this game where you guide a dog through a level using the mouse or 'stylus' for the computer

here it is

Senin, 03 Juli 2006

Rockstars Table Tennis Review

i rented a copy of what i thought was blazing angels, but in the box was table tennis. Might as well review it i thought.
First off i started off onto exhibition mode, but i was totally pwned by a computer. So i suggest u start off with training mode and you will get your ass kicked. Speaking of training mode it was very easy to pick up the controls as the text guides. In no time you will learn to spin and counter spin the ball and hit smash shots easy.
Now i went into tournament mode. You will get to choose a character to beat all the foes to find that lovely prize trophy. Speaking of the characters, you will find that lots of them have different personalities. Lots of them are cocky while some are anxious, hyper, shy and sometimes even jealous. It adds more to the gameplay when you beat the china guy and you see his expression on his face.
As for the actuall gameplay of tournament mode is actually very addicting and you find yourself debating on what your next move is. It gets intense as the ball moves faster and you find out how strategy is very important to the game, but it gets worse as you start to progress and get your ass handed to you and the game gets more challenging. By the end the game will have you satisfied with the challenge
Multiplayer: The Live play is decent, some opponents will have you on your seat screaming with anger, however it is only these moments i found myself actually having fun with the live play, so overall the multiplayer was decent, just not any good.

After playing this game i returned it to blockbuster thinking 7/10

Minggu, 02 Juli 2006

Prey Demo Review

prey demo has just hit the xbox live market place and i decided to review it. First off, you get to play as an indian boy who is fighting aliens who abducted him. You start off with a wrench and as soon as you beat your first alien u get a smg all alienized with a scope on it. You then find out u can walk on walls and start to enter wierd portals. Being the big draw of the game the wall walking and portals are fun, but i got kinda dazed when i was doing it in multiplayer.Speaking of the Multiplayer, THE GAME LAGS SO MUCH. Its soo bad when your about to acid spray this guy and the game lags the guy across the screen. Going back to the multiplayer, midway through the demo you get a spirit form in witch u shoot arrows invisibly, its a nice touch to the game and puzzles revolve around that form, u can use this in multiplayer but i dont find much use for it. Overall the demo is worth the download and i will probably be getting it once it comes out

postin and stuff

this thread was made out of boredom, leave a comment saying one name and a game they have played

Rabu, 28 Juni 2006

my wii expectations

alright.. ive posted some rant threads on various forums about the wii and i like it. BUT i will be expecting some things IF im going to buy it on the launch date.

1. Super Mario Galaxies MUST be a launch title, im not going to wait any longer cause it is the best game for wii
2.Wii sports must come with it cause i recently read a rumor that there will be bundles involved. and i cant afford to dish out 50 bucks for wii sports
3. Super Smash Bros Brawl must also be a launch title.
4. I DO NOT want to see nintendo making all the games for their own system, I want third party support from kojima and jaffe and shafer or whoever made psychonauts

I know that super mario galaxies and super smash bros brawl isnt a launch title but thats why im ranting

my noob photoshop and endorphin skills

i have been working with photo shop for a while and im still a noob, so go check out my sweet sigs at my photobucket account on my links list.

Me on WoW

i just got wow and have been playing it forever.. Ive leveled my druid to twenty so far and im just doing some awesome pvp action and quest. I need a party.. just leave me ur name and realm and ill see if i can transfer my character

Jumat, 14 April 2006

the beginning

this blog is goin to be about the band ( kinda ) fridays lobster. Not really but thats where the name comes from so I'm gonna update it soon, unlike my other one. Witch I don't updateoften and it kinda sucks. So it's pretty much the other one exept I'll update it and hopefully I'll become famous in the process, so I'm gonna probably make some new admin's and stuff.
so thats it
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