
Kamis, 13 Juli 2006

Xbox Live Hits 60% of Gamer Market!

The population of Xbox live users has BOOMED since the launch of the 360. With a quick number crunch 60% of all owned 360's are on Xbox Live. A HUGE improvement on the original 10% on the original xbox. Why you ask, two reasons. Xbox live market place, and Xbox arcade. With 30 million Market place downloads Demos and gamer pictures the future only looks better. On the Arcade side of things wich 65% of xbox live customers are using. They have handled 5 million downloads thanks to games like Geometry wars and my favorite UNO. The Arcade is looking better then ever with street fighter 2 announced in the category. Well the future looks bright for Xbox live, lets hope they can keep ramping up the oblivion add ons and xbox live demos.

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