
Senin, 03 Juli 2006

Rockstars Table Tennis Review

i rented a copy of what i thought was blazing angels, but in the box was table tennis. Might as well review it i thought.
First off i started off onto exhibition mode, but i was totally pwned by a computer. So i suggest u start off with training mode and you will get your ass kicked. Speaking of training mode it was very easy to pick up the controls as the text guides. In no time you will learn to spin and counter spin the ball and hit smash shots easy.
Now i went into tournament mode. You will get to choose a character to beat all the foes to find that lovely prize trophy. Speaking of the characters, you will find that lots of them have different personalities. Lots of them are cocky while some are anxious, hyper, shy and sometimes even jealous. It adds more to the gameplay when you beat the china guy and you see his expression on his face.
As for the actuall gameplay of tournament mode is actually very addicting and you find yourself debating on what your next move is. It gets intense as the ball moves faster and you find out how strategy is very important to the game, but it gets worse as you start to progress and get your ass handed to you and the game gets more challenging. By the end the game will have you satisfied with the challenge
Multiplayer: The Live play is decent, some opponents will have you on your seat screaming with anger, however it is only these moments i found myself actually having fun with the live play, so overall the multiplayer was decent, just not any good.

After playing this game i returned it to blockbuster thinking 7/10

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